Key Documents

On this page you will find details of all of the items we must publish to our website by law.

The telephone numbers and addresses of both campuses can be found on our Contact Us page.


The first point of contact at our Britwell Campus is Lenka Saleem, Receptionist. The first point of contact at our Town Hall Campus is Sunita Rao, Receptionist.


SENCO: Sarah Squires (for Town Hall Campus) and Catherine Corbitt (for Britwell Campus), both available on the telephone numbers listed on the Contact Us page.

Admission arrangements:

All admission arrangements can be found on the admissions page: Admissions Page


School Uniform:
Details of our school uniform can be found on our School Uniform page. While uniform is compulsory for all pupils from Reception to Year 6, there is no expectation that branded uniform is purchased by parents. Uniform can be purchased from a number of locations including supermarkets, online retailers and School Days Direct – our local uniform supplier.


Ofsted report:
Please follow this link to read the latest Ofsted report:
Latest Ofsted Report
Claycots School Ofsted Page


Exam results:
Please follow this link to see EYFS, Phonics, KS1 and KS2 results for 2022/23: Published Results 2022-23


Performance tables:
Please follow this link to see Claycots School’s performance tables: Performance Tables.


School Opening Hours:
The school office is open between 8am and 4pm every school day. Pupils start their school day at 8:45am and finish at 15:15pm. This equates to 32.5 hours per week for pupils.


Details of the curriculum taught in each year group and reading/phonics schemes are available on the curriculum page: Curriculum.

Claycots School follows the National Curriculum – details available here: National Curriculum


Details of phonics scheme used by the school is contained in the following document: Phonics and Early Reading at Claycots


Remote Learning Offer:
As DfE Guidelines, please see details of our remote learning offer here:
Remote Learning Statement January 2021


Behaviour Policy:
The school behaviour policy is available here:
Behaviour Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy

Pupil and Sports Premium:
Details on the allocation and impact of Pupil and Sport Premium is available here:
Pupil Premium Statement 2022-2023
Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024
PE Sport Premium Report 2023


Equality Objectives
Claycots School’s equality objectives are available here:
Public Sector Equalities Statement
In line with DfE requirements, these were last reviewed in September 2023.


The SEN policy and report is available here:
Claycots SEND Policy September 2023
SEND Report 2023-24


Complaints Policy
The school complaints policy is available here:
Complaints Policy and Procedure
(All complaints including those regarding SEN will be dealt with using this policy)


Governor Information
Our governor information is available on the governing body page: Governors


Financial Information
A link to our DfE financial benchmarking page can be found here: DfE Schools Finances – Claycots

In line with DfE requirements please see below:

Renumeration – Number of Staff
£100,000 to £110,000 – Number of Staff: 1


Charging and Remissions Policy
The charging and remission policy is available here:
Finance Policy Appendix 3 – Charging and Remissions Policy


Values and Ethos
Values and Ethos details can be found on our Vision and Values page: Vision and Values


The Accessibility Plan/Policy and Audit documentation are available here:
Accessibility Plan October 2021


Data Protection Policy/Privacy Notice
A copy of the schools’ GDPR compliant Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice is available here:
Data Protection Policy
Privacy Notice for Pupils/Parents/Carers
CCTV Policy
Job Applicants Privacy Notice

Child Protection/Safeguarding
Claycots School takes safeguarding and child protection very seriously. Please read our policy found here: 
Safeguarding Policy


British Values
Claycots School promotes British Values within our curriculum. Please see the following document for further information:
British Values Statement


RHE Policy
Please see the following documents for details on our approach to the RHE curriculum:
RHE Policy
RHE Parent Meeting Presentation 2024
Appendix 2 – RHE Curriculum
RHE Withdrawal Request Form
Appendix 5 – Parents Guide
RSE Primary Schools Guide For Parents


Visitor Procedure
All visitors to Claycots School must abide by the following Visitors Procedure:
Visitor Procedure 2021


Parental Guidance, Policies and Forms
Parental Conduct Policy
Withdrawal From Learning Request Form – Previously known as Leave of Absence Request Form.
School Leavers Form


Paper Copies
Any information provided on this website can be requested in paper format by parents free of charge.

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